Your finalized Baseline Property Condition Report will include a complete catalog of time and date stamped images of your property including notes on potential improvement areas, any undocumented storm damage, as well as additional observations. Your properties are then added to our proprietary weather tracking system which will alert us when certain weather thresholds are met, indicating a storm in your area. When the weather thresholds are breeched, our team will return to your property to reinspect, and will produce a Post-Storm Property Condition Report. If no damage is found, we will rule out the potential date of loss and file the latest inspection as our new Baseline report.

When storm damage does occur, our Post-Storm inspection compares the new condition of your property to our latest Baseline report. By comparing the new to the old, our team is able to identify the damage, file a claim quickly, and expedite the settlement to get the restoration underway in as little time as possible. NOT IF, BUT WHEN a storm occurs, our team has you covered.

ew Baseline report.


rather a corner stone of why+how we do business.